Saturday, July 1, 2017

Implications of the 2nd Great Awakening Revival ~ Ecclesiological, Eschatological, & Harmatalogical.  The revivals transferred power & responsibility from the “lay-persons” to 'clergy' through an Amillenial eschatology [like that of the Lutherans, Anglicans, Catholics, Methodists which stress the dehistoricizing, subjective “theology of the cross” of the papal crucifix rather than the empty cross of Protestantism which stresses national religion, ascension, victory, missiology, etc.  [Also the premillenial eschatology of Baptists w/ their “'protestant' popes” }  The covenant family came to be ignored in favor of inclusiveness of outsiders and covenant theology was abandoned in favor of dispensationalism.   Sin, sanctification, and grace became muddled as corporate sanctification was lost and active obedience was forgotten and now only passive obedience is stressed.  Furthermore, modern Gospel presentations focus exclusively upon the passive obedience, suffering, and death of Jesus upon the cross [accomplishing his essential kingship which fulfills the first 2 Uses of the Law), but forget to mention the Active Obedience: “and he descended into Hell” and conquered sin & death and cast down Satan which speaks to the Mediatorial Reign and 3rd Use of the Law.  --One cannot have faith only in part of Jesus; one must believe in all of him. {Furthermore, the textual criticism which arose in the mid 1800s eschewed the textus receptus and centralized the Bible to the clergy and scholars (by saying only the original hebrew/greek are inspired) in order to take it away from people, mainly in Amillenial churches (papists, etc.) 

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